What is value?, types of debt

What is “Value”?
Before we dive deep into understanding the importance of money and debt, we need to zoom out one step and talk about “value”.
Every transaction that happens in this world at any point in time is an exchange of value.
Before we dive deep into understanding the
of money and debt, we need to zoom out one step and talk about “value”.
Every transaction that happens in this world at any point in time is an exchange of value.

As I am writing this article right now, and as you 
are reading it at this very moment in time, 1000s of transactions are happening across the world. All the transactions are exchange of value created by human beings using division of labour.What is division of labour? Let’s do a thought experiment.
Think about one man in an island. (If you can 
seenthe movie Cast Away by Tom Hanks, you can visualize it very well.)
If this one man has to take care of himself 
and survive, he has to do everything by himself. He 
wouldn’t be great at anything. He has to build his own 
house, grow or hunt his own food and take care of himself if he is sick.
He cannot build a great house, because he doesn’t have the luxury of time to invest years into learning how to 
build a house. At best he can build a hut.
He has to do everything himself, and he 
will not be great at anything. His quality of life wouldn’t be good.

Division of Labour Builds Productivity
Now imagine ten people in the same island. They can 
agree to develop specific skills and divide the labour 
among themselves. One person can focus on one thing 

and really get good at it.

One person can focus on building houses for 
everyone. One person can focus on fishing. Another one 
can focus on growing vegetables and grains.
Since every person has only one job to do, he/she 
becomes better at that specific skill over time and therefore 
becomes more productive.
Someone who is just going to focus on catching fishes 
is going to catch more fish for all the 10 people than what 
people would have caught fishing by themselves. The fisherman’s skill compounds because he is focusing on one thing. He can become more productive.The productivity that comes from focus creates wealth for all the islanders.We have more than 7 billion people on this planet.
Everyone can afford to become a super super specialist in 
one thing. And exchanging value among 7 billion people has now become highly efficient, thanks to technology.As a planet and human civilization, we are growing in 
our overall wealth because of the insane scale of division of labour. (This also proves the point that more population creates more wealth for everyone, a topic for another day).
Division of labour allows a person like me to focus 
on one topic and become an expert, in my case, Digital Marketing. Someone can be an astronaut. And someone else can be a neurosurgeon.
The more number of people there are in this planet, 

the deeper one person can go in one subject and build
a unique skill. But to build that skill, you need to invest time, energy and money. That means you need to go into debt.

A Startup’s Debt
A startup is not too different from a working 
A startup needs an incubation period where it is 
nurtured. Time, money and energy has to be invested 
During the incubation period the startup goes into a 
debt, and in the future when the startup has created a 
product or service of value, it can repay the debt, with 
A professional who has more time and money to 
invest in personal growth ends up becoming a renowned 
expert in one field.
A startup that gets better nurturing with time 
and money, ends up creating highly valuable 
products and services that people would be ready to 
pay for. Longer the nurture period, stronger the startup 
The more time and money the startup gets from its 
founders and investors, the more valuable the startup 
becomes and gives a healthy return on investment.
If you have saved up money for a while, and if you 
invest that money into the growth of your startup, you are 
still going into debt with your startup.
You are “lending” money to your startup in the 
hope that your startup will pay back with interest in 
the future.
Can Your Startup Pay Back the Debt?
Many entrepreneurs would argue with me that they are 
not going into debt if they are just investing their time 
and not their money. I would like to disagree.
If you are working for no salary in your own startup, 
you have an opportunity cost. You are giving up making 
money somewhere else, and working on your startup 
for free.
Though you are not spending your money, you are 
spending (investing) your time. And you “invest” your 
time into the startup, because you know that you can 
create something of value and then get a higher returns 
on it later.
Your startup goes into debt, because it is taking up 
your time, but not giving you returns instantly. It is yet to 
throw up a profit and it takes time.
Until your startup becomes profitable, your startup is 
in debt, with you.
Consider this… If you work as an employee for 3 
years and make $100,000, your 3 years of time is valued 
at $100,000.
If you later you quit your job and build your 
startup for another 3 years without paying yourself, 
you are technically “lending” $100,000 to your startup 
and your startup would theoretically be in debt of 
It has taken your time, and hasn’t paid you back.

In the long term, the startup starts making money for 
you. It is paying you back the principal – with interest.
If your startup does exceptionally well, your startup 
is “paying” you back with a very high interest rate. And 
it can afford to because it is making a lot of money. Your 
startup is the most generous borrower you will ever find, 
if you can make your startup work. It would pay back 
everything to you and the shareholders.
If you cannot make your startup work, it would be 
like your distant friend who borrowed money and never 
showed his face again. You wouldn’t get back anything for 
your investment of time (and may be money).
Debt at the Right Time
Once you understand the truth your startup can never be 
built without debt, you will get more comfortable going 
into debt.
Valuable products and services create a good return on 
investment. You need to go into debt (of time and money) 
to create valuable products and services.
As long as you make sure cost of debt is less than the 
value you are creating using the debt, you will end up 
building a profitable startup.
More often than not, many startups go into debt 
without knowing how it is going to translate into value.
If the money is not used well, then the startup wouldn’t do well, and the startup cannot afford to pay back the borrowed principal with the needed interest. The startup 

would fail.A startup needs both time and money but if you have to prioritize, time investment comes first.
A startup flourishes when the founders of the startup spend quality time growing their startup. A startup is in 
need of founders time more than money at a very early stage, just like a sapling requires more care, and not resources, from a gardener.
Right now, my startup is not a funded startup.
Nor we have borrowed a large amount of money from a bank or a financier. But I am investing my time into my startup, and my time is translating to value for my 
customers.My startup right now depends on my time investment, 
more than money. There will come a time, when my startup needs money to scale more than my personal time.
And that would be the right time to go into debt.
Types of Debt 
Thare different types of debt that your startup can leverage.
The simplest form of debt is the time investment by the founder and the founding team.
Beyond time, money is required to grow.
If I need money…I can invest my savings or
I can go into a financial debt where I have to pay an interest on the borrowed money or
I can go into equity debt by selling shares in my 
company.If I am raising money (going into debt) by selling a part of my company to investors, I would pay back in the 
form of a higher valuation of a slice of my company that the investor owns.
The debt can be funded by private investors in the case of a private company.
If the company goes public, any buyer of stock is a 
lender of money, wanting better returns in the future in 
the form of dividends and increased stock value.
Having access to all the types of debt is very important for the growth of a startup.
The more debt (capital) a startup has access to, the higher the possibility of investing time, energy and money 
to build something of great value, that people would be ready to pay a premium for.
Final Words
Money is a topic that we all tend to shy away from. Don’t. Thinkdeeply about debt, money, value exchange and 
division of labour. The more uncomfortable it makes you, 
the more you need to come to terms with it.
Do not stay away from debt because it looks 
dangerous.Debt looks dangerous because it is very powerful.
The better you learn how to use it, the faster you can grow. Debt is the biggest growth engine a startup could ever have.The art of entrepreneurship is the art of leveraging debt.
So tell me, how does your understanding of debt and money from this post going to impact your decisions?


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